- I got really sick last week. I was miserable. I laid in bed for 3 days, but it might as well have been 30. Yuck!!!
- My mom came to nurse me back to health. Seriously, she is awesome. We talked on Thursday morning at 4:30 my time since I had been up all night, and by evening she was here! It was such a blessing to have her here.
- We did a service project in downtown OKC on Saturday morning. We had 19 students show up to paint, sort, and organize clothing. The project was with a group called TEEM, which seeks to get people who are unemployed back on their feet. This includes GED classes, interview strategies (even interview clothes), computer classes etc.
This weekend is Easter, and RUF is doing a special Good Friday service. It will be held at a building on campus, with hymns and readings. I am really looking forward to celebrating Easter this weekend. Doug made a good point in stating today that Easter is one of the most important and yet under-celebrated holidays. Now that I think about it, I totally agree!
The second annual Norman Board Game Geek conference is this weekend. It will be at a local coffee shop. There is a group of students (and Doug) here that love strategy games. Saturday will be a full 12 hours of Agricola, Puerto Rice, Le Havre, Ticket to Ride, Dominion and many many more! I am definitely going to participate, but probably not for the entire time!
On an entirely non-ministry note, Chance is loosing his fur at a very rapid rate! Oh the pleasures of living in a state with such a cold winter. I think I am going to miss Furry Chance :)
Happy Easter Everyone! Christ has risen indeed!