St. Louis is the first big city I have ever lived in. I have lived on the outskirts of a couple of big cities (Oklahoma City, Jacksonville, Brussels, Houston), but never IN a big city. But the mail that comes to my door every certifies that I, Natalie Kate Haynes, live in St. Louis.
It can be kind of easy to forget this though, so thank goodness for that daily postal reminder. I go to a small school that has a cozy campus and I know a lot of people there. I go to the barn a lot, which is not city-esque at all. Everyone drives trucks out there- how much more non-city can you get?! I know where three feed stores are, and where to buy things that horse wormer and alfalfa hay. I don't think many city dwellers know those kind of things. My house looks surprisingly neighborhood-esque, despite being three minutes from the interstate.
But then, about a month ago, St. Louis did something that will be forever etched in my big-city memory. I listened to the radio daily with baited breath, folks. I started caring about something called the "rally squirrel." The St. Louis Cardinals WON THE WORLD SERIES!!!
It was awesome. My favorite big city radio commentators really made the experience for me. I loved seeing the city rally around the team. The kids at the school where I worked would rattle off baseball trivia their parents told them...that I would subsequently rattle off to other people, to pretend that I was a real St. Louis-ian.
Three cheers for big city living!! And GO CARDS!
The local Macy's supports the Cards. How sweet.