Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Friday, Bunco, "Little Event" and More...

We're going to work our way backwards....starting with Bible Study. This morning we entered into the New Testament in the Jesus Storybook Bible. The last line of our story this morning read, "Meeting Jesus would change all of their lives forever." We talked about how the gospel does/should change our lives. It was my favorite lesson yet. God is so good! We also enjoyed these wonderful treats: Pioneer Woman's French Puff Pastries. Baked treats continues to get girls out of bed at 7AM for Bible Study!

This weekend OU sponsored the "Big Event." Thousands of undergrads went all over Oklahoma City to do a service project. Students worked at schools, highways, and even homes of the elderly. I have heard nothing but good things about this project from students. While they were working around OKC Bentern, myself, and two graduate students helped out the Servens at the "Little Event." We worked in their yard and did some other small projects. It is always wonderful to spend time with the Serven family!
The 8th Annual RUF Bunco Tournament was this Friday. It is the longest standing OURUF Tradition, and boy is it a good one! Have you ever played?!? You should. I won for most "buncos." Here is a score card:
Jena, Kevin, and Katie having fun outside playing bunco. Over 30 people came, so there were bunco games going on anywhere you could find room to sit!
A little late, yes, but better late than never! Here is the chapel where we had the RUF Good Friday service. It was wonderful. I had never been to a Good Friday service before. The hymns and scripture readings were all great reminders of Christ's love for us.

This weekend the OURUF leadership team, "Relish," will be going to Missouri for our Relish Retreat. It will be a great time to fellowship with the people who serve OURUF together.

The most exciting news however?!??!?!?!? THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL POST TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT! I don't want to give anything away, so stay tuned!