Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What is NEXT for YOU??

*The following is an excerpt from an interview one of our reporters, we'll call him Mr. Darcy, did with Miss Haynes a couple of weeks ago.*

Mr. Darcy: Natalie Kate Haynes, I heard your life is about to change. What on earth is all the fuss about?
NKH: Yes, yes, the rumors are true! I am moving farther into the midwest in August. I am moving to St. Louis, Missouri.

Mr. Darcy: Well what on earth are you moving all the way up there for? Haven't you heard that it gets dreadfully cold there?
NKH: Well, actually, yes I have. And I have also heard that it is a very big city for such a young girl, like myself, but I have decided to move anyways. I will be studying counseling at Covenant Seminary.

Mr. Darcy: Counseling {draws out a long hmmmmm}. Well, why will you be studying counseling?
NKH: Well first might I add that these are very poignant questions, Mr. Darcy. Bravo! But back to the topic at hand...I want to study counseling because I think there is a need for trained counselors in our churches. I want to talk with people about their marriages, their families, themselves, and how all of those things relate to Jesus.

Mr. Darcy: Well that is just fantastic. I am so excited for you! So you said you are moving in August, is that right? What will you do until then?
NKH: I will continue to live in Oklahoma. I would like to continue to work with RUF, helping the new campus minister as he moves here and gets to know the area. This can only happen, however, if I raise $4000 more for my support account. {We would like to mention, on behalf of Miss Haynes, that tax-deductible donations can be made here:}

Mr. Darcy: I hope that you are able to continue your work with RUF in Oklahoma. There is an old adage about Oklahoma that is currently escaping me. Something about plains, wind, a broom maybe...I am not sure.
NKH: I hope that I can continue my work too. My time in Oklahoma has been wonderful. I have found family here. I will be sad to leave in August.

Mr. Darcy: What a pleasure it has been to sit and talk this morning, Miss Haynes. What an absolute pleasure.
NKH: The pleasure has been all mine, Mr.Darcy.

*This concludes our interview with Miss Haynes. Next month we will be interviewing a Miss H. Granger.*

1 comment:

  1. Dear Natalie Kate,

    Your blog, of all the other interns, has been my absolute favorite over the past two years (Shh, don't tell them I said that!). I hope you continue to write.

