Rebecca Black's "It's Friday" has been voted the worst song ever. So, naturally, OURUF has caught the viral-video-virus and has done numerous parodies.
First of all, have you seen this video? At the time of this post, it has 84 million views on You Tube and has been a top selling song on iTunes. When you watch it you will wonder why that is...because people like us keep talking about it!
Go here to watch the original video:
Now, go here to watch OURUF Summer Conference Promotion Video {Rebecca Black style}:
I don't know about you, but I feel like our version was much better! Did it make you want to join us in Laguna Beach in May for Summer Conference?!?
Right about now I figure you have had enough Rebecca Black. BUT WE AREN'T DONE YET!
We had a Not-A-Date at the Norman Medieval Fair this weekend. We broke up into groups and did a scavenger hunt. The most points was given for asking strangers to sing, you guessed it, Rebecca Black's "It's Friday." Watch as this group asked two strangers to sing with them!
Well, that is what is going on in my neck of the woods! But I must go now because, "It's Tuesday, Tuesday..."
Boomer Sooner!
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