Monday, October 5, 2009

Facts of Life in Norman

- I found out last night that I missed a great opportunity for an outing. The Cordell, OK annual Pumpkin Pancake festival and Pumpkin carving was on Saturday. This is a must for next year! Put it on your calenders OU RUFers!!!

- I just finished The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges. That makes the third book of his that I have read, including Transforming Grace and Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts. I would recommend any of them.

- I had dinner with and played games with a group of students last night. These types of things make my heart warm. Love it!

- The picture to the right is of me and a statue on campus that I think is called "The Gossips," and I am wondering what they are talking about. One of my favorite thing about the OU campus is how they have captured history. They have interesting statues like these as well as framed photos everywhere of things that have happened on campus. These photos have captions on the bottom with the date and an explanation. I have spent several hours wandering the halls at OU looking at these pictures and loving the stories they tell!

- I have my membership interview at Christ the King Presbyterian today. I am loving this church and am glad to become a part of it. We take communion every Sunday and prayer requests are taken from the pulpit. Those individuals are then prayed for by a pastor or elder. These are things that are different from previous churches, but I love about CTK.

- Fall is definitely here in Norman, OK! I had a conversation with my mom this morning about making sure I have enough winter clothing. We decided that I probably have the right coat, but need more long sleeve shirts since I have 2 (two).

- I watched my campus minister's kids this weekend. Although there are many memorable moments, my favorite was probably Drew and Anna sticking their head out the window of the car and saying "Dog Mode." They then stuck their tongues out and let the wind blow their hair.

- Every week before RUF we do "pRUF" or pre-RUF. This is a pretty informal gathering of students to hang out and chat before our large group meeting at 9. Two weeks ago we went to a classic-50s dinner and last week we went to the OU Volleyball game. pRUF is becoming a favorite activity of mine!


  1. That sounds great--seems like you are having a blast!!

  2. I love the photos around campus, too! Particularly the ones from the 30s and 40s.

    And yeah, more than 2 long-sleeved shirts are definitely in order. Maybe even a couple sweaters!

  3. I have also begun experiencing weekly communion for the first time at Redemption OPC here in Gainesville. I really start to miss it if we're traveling and go to church somewhere else. It seems like it makes you understand and appreciate the sacrament a lot better.

  4. Love the bullet points. And I hope you and your mama sneak in a good warm-clothes shopping trip! Love you!

  5. Jerry Bridges is awesome. He spoke at the church I went to in undergrad every year and I would get to have dinner with him at my pastor's house. It was always quite intimidating.
