- So I named this post after what I thought was a Queen song named "Ice Ice Baby." It turns out some guy named Vanilla Ice actually sang that song, and the Queen song I was thinking of is called "Under Pressure." Weird.
- The reason for the ice theme??? Well, the initial reason is the Olympics, but more importantly because we had an Olympics opening ceremonies party with ice themed games!!! Here are some pictures from our par-tay:
- Ice Bath: Who can keep their hand in the water for the longest amount of time? Well, the answer is Josh Voth for 14:18. As of yesterday (Sunday) Josh said he hadn't regained all feeling in that hand yet!
- The first round of contestants- they are looking pretty happy at this point! Our other games were corn hole toss and frozen chubby bunny. The chubby bunny record was 12 marshmallows. This was by far the most fun I have ever had watching the opening ceremonies!
- My New Year's Resolution to watch movies I have not seen before is going splendidly. To continue with the John Williams theme, we watched Jaws last week and the first Indiana Jones movie should be arriving here shortly. Jaws is certainly epic, but the suspense was killer (ha!).
- I am traveling to Florida on Friday, staff training Sunday through Wednesday, and then to Gainesville. I am pretty excited to see other interns, family, friends, and Wallace. Wallace is my parent's Westie. He is pretty ridic. As in ridiculously cute.
- Boomer Sooner!!!