Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Exciting Blog Post

Well, after last week's blog chock full of excitement, how can I possibly live up to that standard?? Much to my dismay, there has been no more snow in Norman, so I have nothing to report on that front (get it, as in a cold front...har har har).

We had a girls movie night this weekend, which was fabulous if I may say so myself (which I may). We watched the BBC miniseries "North and South." Haven't seen it? Don't know what it is?? Check it out: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417349/. If you have Netflix, you can watch it instantly on your computer!!!

I made a trip to Oklahoma City with some freshmen as they are in need of dresses and shoes for the upcoming "Pink and Black Ball." It is a ball put on by the University of Oklahoma for Breast Cancer Awareness.

I also made a trip with my roommates to my favorite coffee shop in Norman, (no offense Cafe Plaid or Michaelangelos you just aren't as trendy and your cafe americanos just don't measure up) Gray Owl! It was wonderful to spend time with them. They are wonderful girls and God has really blessed me by having me live with them. Here we are at Gray Owl:

My spring newsletter will be sent out shortly, so please let me know if you are not receiving them and would like to.

Boomer Sooner!!!


  1. 2 guys and a man... 2 men and a boy.... Harharharhar.

  2. Natalie, will you send us a newsletter?

    Daniel & Brittany Smith
    622 North Taylor
    Kirkwood, MO 63122

    If Benjamin wants to send us one as well, we would love that too :)
