Monday, August 17, 2009

Live from Norman, it's Blog Post Monday!!!

God is Faithful!!!

In the last week I have experienced God's faithfulness in putting me exactly where He wants me. The community here has been overwhelmingly welcoming. There are women who have already reached out to me and invited me into their homes. My roommate situation is wonderful, I really could not have asked for a better place to live. My campus minister and his family have also been extremely welcoming. I literally broke down into tears the first day as I was welcomed into this community, especially being so far from my family and friends.

This week I will begin meeting with and interacting with students. I cannot express how excited I am about this. Yesterday I attended a chapel service for the girls going through rush. As I worshiped with them and got to speak with them afterword I became overwhelmed with excitement to minister to the students of OU. It has been a long period of preparation to get to this point, and I am excited to begin applying all of the ideas and theories that I have about what ministry is.

Please be in prayer for the students that will be coming to RUF. We have 3 events on campus in which we will be handing out information and speaking with students. Please pray that these events will be fruitful and that God will draw who He has planned to us. OUr (hehe) first large group is one week from Wednesday, please be in prayer for all of the preparation that will go into this first meeting. I am so appreciative of everyone's support of me here at OU. Thank you!


  1. yay for the update! So encouraging to see God's provision....

  2. Glad to hear that everything is going so well! I'm hoping to do at least some stuff with the RUF group down there occasionally, since I'm only 45 minutes away at the moment.
