Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving and Holiday Beginnings

I spent Thanksgiving with my family in Houston. It was wonderful to be with family and old friends. My hometown on Tomball really is wonderful, and I always love going back. I have three precious cousins who I captured a couple of pictures of this weekend. Here is Mason playing at one of my favorite parks in the area:

Playing at the park with Mason, Wyatt, Hudson, Shane, Dana, Aunt Shirley, my brother and parents was a highlight of the trip. Other memorable moments were game nights, movies, and making Thanksgiving dinner. I will be heading to Florida for Christmas is three short weeks!!!
Back here is Norman there is no shortage of holiday preparation. Sally, my roommate, and I put up our real 7 foot Christmas tree tonight. Wednesday some RUF students are coming over to decorate the tree and enjoy some holiday treats. Here is a picture of the painting in our living room (who we call Keith) all decorated for Christmas:

RUF is having a barn dance this Friday, which means I got my first pair of real bona fide cowboy boots!!! Stay tuned for pictures next week!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for you to come home! I'm glad you're having a festive time in Norman.

    PS - The other day on the weather channel, I saw Norman as one of the areas that Storm Watchers (the tornado guys!) went through. How cool!
