Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 4: Thursday

I feel like I need to explain "Wolf Shirt Wednesday." Yes, wolf shirts are ridiculous. But here in Norman I know some people who would say that they are "ridiculously awesome!" Wal-Mart seems to agree, because they are currently selling them for $9. OMG. No worries, I did not buy one. It was provided for me. Like a uniform for work, it was provided for me. I have to admit, it was kind of exhilarating wearing my yellow happy wolf shirt! Ok, now on to Day 4...

RUF meets on Wednesday nights at 9PM. If you know me at all, you know that 9PM isn't exactly my most high-functioning hour. That being said, I am generally exhausted when I get home from large group at 11:30...so Thursday mornings begin slow. Despite the sluggish Thursday morning feeling, however, my first meetings were great. We had great conversation amidst the hustle and bustle of Cafe Plaid. I truly enjoy the "one-on-one" aspect of my job. Conversation topics range from school to boys, from Jesus to Spring Break plans, and from family to career aspirations.

After lunch I took freshman Anna Tracy to the barn! Anna is also a horse lover, so she is always eager to help out with barn chores! Look, I put her to work cleaning Chance's feet!

Chance just loves all of his visitors!

Later Thursday there was a cupcake philanthropy at the sorority house that my Bible study meets at. A local bakery provided the cupcakes. Here I am at the house with Tristen, Laura, and Sam.

That pretty much wraps up Thursday! Only one more day to go in this series!

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